What an awesome charity. We set up a tent for Biker Church of The Heartland at this one with flyers cold water and candy. Hemi was invited there to make balloon figures for the kids. He is very gifted at this. funfestministry@yahoo.com CMA worked the registration and food booths along with several other organizations and volunteers. Sorry if I don't mention them as I don't have all the information. www.rideforkids.org   We met all kinds of great people helping a great cause. We met Gail and her husband Charlie who work with handicapped people trying to get them back on motorcycles or trikes. They work with a lot of Iraqi war Vets trying to establish a new life after war injuries. Invited them to the Biker Church Of The Heartland Sunday. This time we stayed during the ride we had to move our tent for about the forth time and I needed to make copies of flyers. I got some great PICS of the Kids.  They are what this is all about. They all looked very happy. Then they started what is called the celebration of life and enjoyed a bag lunch. My lunch had a note from one of the kids thanking me for helping the cause. It brought a tear to my eye. They celebrated all the groups and dealers who raised money. All in all they collected over a hundred thousand dollars from the South Ben ride.