107th Congress
1st Session
H. Con. Res 247

Recognizing and honoring the service of the men and women who volunteer their time to
participate in funeral honor guards at the interment or memorialization of deceased veterans ofthe uniformed services of the United States at national cemeteries across the country.

October11, 2001
Mrs. BONO (for herself, Mr. HUNTER, MR. ROHRBACHER, and Mr. CALVERT) submitted
the following concurrent resolution, which was referred to the committee on Veterans Affairs

Reconizing and honoring the service of the men and women who volunteer their time to
participate in funeral honor guards at the interment or memorialization of deceased veterans of the uniformed services of the United States at national cemeteries across the country.  Whereas it is important that the Nation provide proper respect and fitting recognition to deceased veterans;

Whereas members of the uniformed services of the United States make significant
contributions to the general welfare of the United States;  Whereas the furnishing of an honor guard at the interment or memorialization of adeceased veteran shows the proper respect to those who have passed away after servingtheir country;

Whereas the family of a deceased veteran may request an honor guard service and deserves the comfort of knowing that a respectful service will take place; and Whereas currently there are many demands placed on active duty honor guard units across the country and there are not enough active duty honor guards units available to preform these important services;

Now therefore be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress hereby recognizes and honors the service of the men and women outside the active components of the Armed Forces who volunteer their time to participate in funeral honor guards at the interment or memorialization of deceased veterans of the uniformed services of the United States at national cemeteries across the country, as exemplified by the proud work that the members of the organization designated as Semper Fi #1 perform at the Riverside National Cemetery, California.


“Marine Corps Credo:

To catch us, you have to be fast. To find us, you have to be smart.

To beat us, you have to be kidding.”