Hemming Car Rally
June 23, 2009
Downtown Nevada

 The Vintage Car Rally Association, which operates the Hemmings Challenge Vintage Car Rally and five other similar events, is a nonprofit organization that donates all of its proceeds to autism treatment and research

 Click on picture to enlarge


 Pastor Thomas and Jessie Besaw posing w/Chamber of Commerce
Director, Cat McGrath-Farmer


Twila, Missy, Jessie, and Thomas posing with our signs for
photo that is said to be inserted on City of Nevada's website!


Jessie Besaw

Twila, Jessie, Missy & Thomas


Close-up of second sign made for the rally

  Judy Gardner
She and her husband
started the Hemmings Vintage Car Rally.


Thomas Minton w/car rally participants, Rich McKone of Peoria,
Illinois (driver and member of Peoria, IL's First Christian Church --
Disciples of Christ), and Dave Teeter of Newark, Delaware (navigator and
retired dentist)

Car that most resembles Missy's car on church banner (1916
Buick Roadster)



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